Tuesday, April 30, 2013

about Hada Labo Ultimate Whitening Lotion

Hi alllll...^^

Sesuai janji kemarin.. hari ini aku bakal post mengenai skin care yang baru aku beli.. woohhhoo...
HADALABO ULTIMATE WHITENING...!!!! yang baru aku pake 3 hari.. so what can I really say?!?!?! :P
It's a Japanese Brand and I bought it at Guardian. Just for information, kulitku jenis normal to dry but the problem is dark spot and uneven skin tone..:( --> sad! T.T (maybe I should put my photo too) :P

Overall, I'm quite happy with this product and so excited to try it on my face.. although I only bought the lotion and the essence, soalnya untuk cleansing wash (olay-white radiance) dan mousturizer (face shop white tree snow-dissapointed) nya masih ada yang lama.

Hadalabo Ultimate whitening contains high purity arbutin, vitamin C, dan Hyaluronic acid. Jadi selain dapat mencerahkan juga dapat melembabkan kulit. Bagi yang memiliki kulit sensitif gak perlu khawatir karena hadalabo rangkaian ini bebas ethanol, mineral oil, dan pewangi jadi low irritation

- from the price side, I can say.. it's reasonable.. for those 2 products, its cost me IDR 150,000 :D
- pertama kali pake, terasa banget klo product nya ini gentle.. langsung berasa beda dehh.. kulit terasa lebih lembut.. pokoknya puas (untuk saat ini) :P apalagi dengan harganya yang gak bikin kantong bolong...di banding sama pelembap ku :(

berhubung baru pake product ini 3 hari, belom berani bikin review mengenai hasil pemakaian.. so di tunggu aja yaaa...
mungkin setelah pemakaian 1 bulan - 3 bulan baru ada perubahan.. tp lebih baik perubahan yang perlahan tp pasti daripada significant tp berbahaya.. walaupun bikin seneng, tp kita perlu bertanya2.. kenapa kok bisa putih/hilang jerawat hanya dalam 1 minggu.. 
semoga cocokkkkk^^


Friday, April 26, 2013

Finally, im starting my own BLOG!!

Hey all....
finally.. im starting my own blog.. after so many times I told myself, that im gonna create one.. zzzz
ok... let me introduce myself first, as this is my first post..:p I'm vivi..and I'm Indonesian who loves to eat, fashion, movie, beauty stuff, travelling, puppies, etc..
basically i live at Balikpapan, and I'm sure some of you guys have heard about it. Yes, it's not a big city like Jakarta or Surabaya, but I love to live here..:D
and this blog is all about what i've been experienced it lately.. so basically it's like a review on everything that i've used/enjoyed.
for example: review about movie that I watch, cosmetics that I use, clothes that I wear, Places to eat (mostly at Balikpapan's area), etc... but base on my opinion and my experience..:D

so I hope all of you enjoy my blog...
and pleaseeee pleaseee.. gimme suggestion, opinion, comment on it later..:D
please forgive me, coz im new at this thing, and to be honest im not the high tech kind of person, so pls bare with me.. and pls excusefor my blog's display..

i just need more time to figure everything out,
as im doing this all by my self without any helps (other than from google :P)

or maybe, u guys can be my teacher along the way..^^


note: im so excited to join this community...yiiihhhhhaaaaaa......