Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Body Shop: White Moisturizer Shiso Review

Hi guys...

it's been a long long time since my last blog huh??
yup.. there was something wrong with my blog which made me couldnt write anything :(
but well.. i'm writing again now.. so let's get over it..woohooo...

yup.. today's blog is about another skin care review...
I know I have a similar blog before about Hada Labo whitening.. and I haven't tell you the result on my skin.. well you can guess, (I guess).. since I'm changing the skin care.. so it means.. I didnt see any clear result yet from Hada Labo..
dont get me wrong.. Hada Labo is good.. it's affordable.. it's light.. dont cause me any breakout.. moisturize my skin.. it's mild (meaning no chemical or smth like that)- it feels natural.. hihihi..
so if you have a good skin already and you just want to maintain it, I can recommend you to use Hada Labo.. but since my skin has a brown spot that I want to remove + I want to look brighter.. I dont feel a transformation while using it (yet, maybe the respond is slower since it is so mild and natural). I use it for 2-3 months and nothing seems really changed.. So I decided to change my skin care routine.. after browsing and give some thought.. I finally decided to give TBS: White moisturizer shiso a try.. although I have to say that it is quite pricey.. compare to Hada Labo of course.. but still it's still cheaper compare to Shu Uemura(my sis use it and her skin looks more supple) and other high end brand.. hehehe..

I've tried this skin care for 3 weeks already.. and i was not buy all the product.. just some of it.. :: the essence, the spot corrector, the serum, and moisturizer.. so far... I feel my skin become brighter and softer :D but I dunno is it because I just had a one week break (so minimal sun exposure) at home or is it because TBS.. :P
my skin before
Above is the picture of my skin… hopefully you can see my imperfection (the dark spot).. I know it’s like stars on the sky.. hehehe..
in the picture my skin looks fair enough.. but the real person, I’m not that fair..(sadly) hehehe…

TBS Series
After I wash my face (I use several face wash, depends on the situation), I use this essence, it is quite mild on my skin.. the texture is watery but it absorb to my skin quickly.. makes my skin feels softer and ready to get nutrition from other product after it.. :P
Next step.. after the essence is absorbeb.. I use the spot correcter.. which I think is important since I want to remove my dark spoty(hopefully it works wonder).. it came in roll on packaging which in my opinion it easier to apply on, you dont have to be worried that you apply too much or fall on the floor, etc.. the texture is also watery.. just like the essence.. not creamy.. so far.. I still can see my dark spot.. hehehe.. of course... because it's not an
The spot corrector in roll on
next: after the essence in spot corrector absorb into my skin (takes me 1-2 minute), I use the serum.. The texture is more creamy but not really sticky.. just enough to make my skin feel softer.. Just use it moderately, not too much please.. other than because it's expensive, everyday I really use the serum as much as on the picture. :)
Serum - Light not sticky
Lotion Moisturizer
lastly... is the lotion... it is lighter than the serum.. 1 pump is more than enough..

my routine:
morning: facial wash - essence - spot corrector - serum - BB cream/sunblock
night: facial wash/scrub - essence - spot corrector - lotion moisturiser

in conclusion.. so far I'm quite satisfied.. they also dont cause me any break out.. although I have to tell you that my skin is normal and not sensitive at all.. so it might respond differently to any other person.. :)
do I will repurchase...??? maybe... we'll see until I finish it.. if they give me the result that I want.. than I'll repurchase.. hehe..(of course... duhhh!!!) :p

note: about the price: I dont really remember.. but overall it cost IDR 200,000 (ish) - IDR 300,000 (ish)/product

Friday, June 14, 2013

My Samsung Galaxy S4 review

Hi guyss...

finally I managed to buy Samsung Galaxy S4 after dunno how many days thinking, comparing, asking around between Apple Iphone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S4.
do I happy??? Yes...!!! Do I satisfied with my decision?? hmm... (?) I just used it for 2 days.. lol

well, a lot of people are concerned about the fact of their packaging.. I mean, samsung is still using the plastic thingy for the back cover (sadly), so for premium type of gadget, it's quite a down side of samsung.. but i dont really mind..:D
I love when the first time I held it, it wasnt heavy at all and also comfortable.
the screen also capture a very beautiful colors.. it is so vivid and bright and I love it so much..
and one of the reason I wanna buy either s4 or Ip5 is because they take a good picture :) so when I tried it, well I'm not dissapointed as s4 offer quite a lot mode that we can change according what we want, and I love the "beauty face" mode coz when we take a portrait photo, ur skin will look flawless..
but other than that it's just ok, I guess..
I think in Ip5 the resulst of photo taken is nicer and better although the megapixel on S4 is bigger especially inside the room that doesn't have enough light.

over all, Im quite happy with S4, coz it's easy to use especially for me who is not high-tect at all.. at all..!!!! in indonesia, we called it: GAPTEK!! LOL
I've installed saveral applications such as bible, path(elisa devita), instagram(veevee), twitter(@veemoet), FB, WA, Line and some games applications of course.. and recently, I installed camera 360 which I loveeeee <3, and also other stuffs too.

and the only thing that I hate about my S4 is about the battery. OMG.. I feel that it runs so's not long last at all, maybe becoz of the screen that it super big and the resolution *sigh...sad:(
I dont really play a lot or browse a lot (in my opinion), I put battery saver already, but still...... :(
hummm.. I;m not sure is it the s4 problem, or just mine..

So if you 're thinking to buy an android, maybe s4 should be in your check list..:D
have fun...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

weekend kuliner Balikpapan

hellow guysss...
long time no see? :p

untuk warga balikpapan..lgi bingung mau malam minggu dimana? or makan apa?
+ mau pesen makanan tsb, tp ragu..ini aku kasih review ttg beberapa makanan yang barusan aku icip2 minggu laluu..

let's gooooo...
 Kwetiaw demek @ Kopi Tiam e-walk.. IDR 20 rb an.. hehehe
rasanyaaa... hmm.. yahhh ok2.. aja.. ** out of ***** :p
sebenernya not too bad..cmn klo kesana lagi, kayaknya bakal coba yang lain dulu deh..hehehe... tidak terlalu berkesan

 Bread Pudding from Pizza Hut...
* out of *****..
untuk aku penyuka bread pudding, bisa dibilang bread pudding PH ini gak enakkk... tapi yah apa boleh buat, secara gratis untuk setiap pembelian royale platter (sorry lupa foto royal platter nya), rasanya manis2 nanggung.. trs gak ada tekstur alias lembekk.. jadi rasanya seperti oatmeal susu gitu.. but still eatable siii.. hehehhe
untuk royal platter nya  PH *** out of *****,
hmm.. yah not bad.. but I still prefer the pizza :D..tapi secara itu adalah makanan baru di PH, yah boleh deh di coba juga.. kali2 udah rada bosan dengan pizza or sejenisnya..
jdnya ada pilihan lain dehh.. ehehehee.. porsi nya cukup besar kok.. tp yah sepadan dengan harganya yah cukup mahal.. hehehhe

 Lasagna from Pasta Cielo
**** out of *****
I like it..:) creamy and tasty.. heheheh
ada meatball nya jg di dalam..yummyyy....
harganya IDR 50rb.. yah segitulah yah memang harga lasagna dimana2.. porsi nya termasuk ok kok..
recommended..:D hehhehe...(saya penyuka lasagna/itallian food) :p

 pan fried dory with fettucini from pasta cielo
**** out of *****
bagi penyuka ikan dory, pasti bakalan suka makanan ini.. enakk.. gak bikin eneg.. + gak di deep fried pula seperti kebanyakan menu dory lain nya (fish n chip)
tp untuk pastanya sih yah so so aja.. hehehe.. bukan yg istimewa gimana2 banget..
but still recommended !!
harga nya sekitar IDR 60rb.. (lupa2)

sekian dan terima kasihhh.. memang sih sedikit...
maklum.. dalam waktu weekend doank sii.. hahahha....
semoga membantuuuuuuuu


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

about Hada Labo Ultimate Whitening Lotion

Hi alllll...^^

Sesuai janji kemarin.. hari ini aku bakal post mengenai skin care yang baru aku beli.. woohhhoo...
HADALABO ULTIMATE WHITENING...!!!! yang baru aku pake 3 hari.. so what can I really say?!?!?! :P
It's a Japanese Brand and I bought it at Guardian. Just for information, kulitku jenis normal to dry but the problem is dark spot and uneven skin tone..:( --> sad! T.T (maybe I should put my photo too) :P

Overall, I'm quite happy with this product and so excited to try it on my face.. although I only bought the lotion and the essence, soalnya untuk cleansing wash (olay-white radiance) dan mousturizer (face shop white tree snow-dissapointed) nya masih ada yang lama.

Hadalabo Ultimate whitening contains high purity arbutin, vitamin C, dan Hyaluronic acid. Jadi selain dapat mencerahkan juga dapat melembabkan kulit. Bagi yang memiliki kulit sensitif gak perlu khawatir karena hadalabo rangkaian ini bebas ethanol, mineral oil, dan pewangi jadi low irritation

- from the price side, I can say.. it's reasonable.. for those 2 products, its cost me IDR 150,000 :D
- pertama kali pake, terasa banget klo product nya ini gentle.. langsung berasa beda dehh.. kulit terasa lebih lembut.. pokoknya puas (untuk saat ini) :P apalagi dengan harganya yang gak bikin kantong bolong...di banding sama pelembap ku :(

berhubung baru pake product ini 3 hari, belom berani bikin review mengenai hasil pemakaian.. so di tunggu aja yaaa...
mungkin setelah pemakaian 1 bulan - 3 bulan baru ada perubahan.. tp lebih baik perubahan yang perlahan tp pasti daripada significant tp berbahaya.. walaupun bikin seneng, tp kita perlu bertanya2.. kenapa kok bisa putih/hilang jerawat hanya dalam 1 minggu.. 
semoga cocokkkkk^^


Friday, April 26, 2013

Finally, im starting my own BLOG!!

Hey all....
finally.. im starting my own blog.. after so many times I told myself, that im gonna create one.. zzzz
ok... let me introduce myself first, as this is my first post..:p I'm vivi..and I'm Indonesian who loves to eat, fashion, movie, beauty stuff, travelling, puppies, etc..
basically i live at Balikpapan, and I'm sure some of you guys have heard about it. Yes, it's not a big city like Jakarta or Surabaya, but I love to live here..:D
and this blog is all about what i've been experienced it lately.. so basically it's like a review on everything that i've used/enjoyed.
for example: review about movie that I watch, cosmetics that I use, clothes that I wear, Places to eat (mostly at Balikpapan's area), etc... but base on my opinion and my experience..:D

so I hope all of you enjoy my blog...
and pleaseeee pleaseee.. gimme suggestion, opinion, comment on it later..:D
please forgive me, coz im new at this thing, and to be honest im not the high tech kind of person, so pls bare with me.. and pls excusefor my blog's display..

i just need more time to figure everything out,
as im doing this all by my self without any helps (other than from google :P)

or maybe, u guys can be my teacher along the way..^^


note: im so excited to join this community...yiiihhhhhaaaaaa......